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Internal Cleanser

This herbal formula initiates a healthy internal cleansing process for your body. Our balanced Internal Cleanser promotes the natural elimination of toxins and waste from your digestive system. *

[Main Ingredients]
Baikal Skullcap Root Chinese Rhubarb Root Bitter Orange Fruit Ningpo Figwort Root

[Functions & Benefits]
Ningpo Figwort Root: (Scrophularia ningpoensis Hemsl.):
Moistens the large intestine and ensures bowel movements are smooth.

Chinese Rhubarb Root: (Rheum palmatum L.):
Drains heat and helps purge toxic build up in the intestines.

Chinese Goldthread Root : ( Rhozma Coptidis):
•A natural and powerful anti-biotic
•Stimulates bowel flow, normalizes the liver and spleen, relieves pain and inflammation and may be beneficial for nervousness, anxiety, insomnia, hepatitis, gallstones, cirrhosis .

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