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Fat Sport Expert


Relevant fundamental knowledge
Fifth Anbixin Fat Sport Expert uses 3D vibration and ultra-long wave in combination to act on human body’s fat, facilitating the movement of fat itself to obtain the result of reducing fat.
􀁹 Fifth Anbixin Fat Sport Expert uses eccentric motion and axial limited motion technologies, which overturns the one dimensional motion of traditional vibration, to realize completely the 3D motions of upper and lower, left and right, and front and back. Conduct massage deeply through 3D high frequency vibration to make the fat cells rub each other, and then combust, decompose, and transform into metabolite and be discharged out of the body, consuming the excessive heat, reducing fat deposition, so that obtaining the effect of sliming body and reducing weight;
ô€¹ The ultra-long wave used by Anbixin Sport Expert (ultra-long wave is a electromagnetic wave, with wave length ranging from 10000KM~1000KM), is the electromagnetic wave generated by 50Hz alternating current. Its wavelength is 6000KM, which can go deep into the subcutaneous up to 3 to 5 centimeter, transmitting 3D high frequency vibration to deep fat cell to magnetize the iron within the body in cooperation with magnetic induction to regulate body’s circulation, facilitate self-blood circulation, and generate proper damp heat and micro-vibration to accelerate the fat reducing effect. Meanwhile, it can make the thinned skin becoming smoother and more elastic, making the fat reducing effect rapider, more effective and more careful.
II. Product structure and efficacies of the product
􀁹 The super-strength chip, which is designed based on more than 1 hundred thousands person-time use, can set special movement procedure and scientific reasonable
number of use times and duration using computer based on specific condition of user to allow the user to have a customized weight reduction solution.
􀁹 Realization of local fat reduction. Reduce the fat where there is. Eliminate the excessive fat at abdomen, waist, hip and legs.
􀁹 Well timed audible prompt can make you feel more humanized; special designed electronic record, plus clear display of ultra-large screen, can accurately record your weight reduction course, and monitor your weight reduction process in real time.
􀁹 The unique ultra-length wave technology can enable the 3D high frequency motion going deep to the subcutaneous up to 3-5 centimeters, making body sliming effect more rapid, more scientific, and more effective; along with the use of strong health magnet, it can improve blood circulation, strengthen the activity of cell, making skin more bright, beautiful and full of elasticity.
􀁹 Improve the striate of pregnancy, flower pattern and tangerine peel phenomena left on women after pregnancy, returning their skin to original healthy state.
􀁹 The specially designed massage function can help you to release the tiredness in body and mind. You can set its time and strength voluntarily.
􀁹 Store up to four sets of individual data, which can be changed at any time, for use by the whole family.
Comparison of products in similar category
􀁹 Compare with weight reduction by simple sport:
1. Reducing weight by sport needs to consume lots of time. And you must have strong perseverance and the zeal to find hardship for yourself. Meanwhile the speed to take effect is slow, you have to wait with patient. However if use Fat Sport Expert, you can do it at your leisure time, such as when reading and watching TV. It not only saves your time but also you can enjoy the pleasure of reducing fat.
2. You have to make a right plan if reduce weight only by sport. Improper sport not only cannot reduce weight but also may destroy your body curve; moreover it cannot reduce the fat at where you want to reduce. Using Fat Sport Expert, you can set the duration, number of times and strength according to your own condition to reduce the fat locally. It not only can reduce the weight but also can slim your charming body curve.
􀁹 Compare with taking weight reducing tea and drug:
Taking weight reducing tea and drug is easy, but the effect cannot be guaranteed. Sometimes it may destroy your health. The side effects of taking weight reducing tea and drug, such as dry mouth, diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, rebound or even death is the basic distinction against Fat Sport Expert. The Fat Sport Expert is based on the principle of movement to reduce weight, without any side effects.
􀁹 Comparing with weight reduction by eating less:
It is quick to reduce weight by tightening waist belt and the cost is almost zero. However not to speak of the seeing stars due to rejection of good food temptation and lassitude of the extremities, hypotension due to malnutrition, anemia, edema, irregular menstruation for women or even the harmfulness of anorexia nervosa are the real ill effects caused due to eat less for reducing weight. Using Fat Sport Expert is different. Insisting on the use of this machine, plus reasonable diet, you can realize the ideal of sliming body healthily and safely.
􀁹 Comparing with other sport machines for weight reduction:
The general weight reduction machines aims at only some areas to reduce fat, and provide only one solution without considering users. The microcomputer chip of Fat Sport Expert is based on the data of more than 1 hundred thousands persons, you can set the duration, number of times and strength automatically according to your own conditions to provide for you the customized weight production solution. In addition, it can reduce the fat at specific area by setting specific strength.
III.Advantages of the product:
􀁹 Advantages summary:
1. 3D high frequency movements drive the fat layer to rub, move and combust. This is an originally created weight reduction method that is highly effective and healthy.
2. Specific ultra-long wave can make the 3D high frequency vibration going deep to the subcutaneous up to 3-5 centimeters to reduce the fat at deep layer. It can activate cell to repair some obese skin issues, such as tangerine peel like flower pattern and striate of pregnancy, resuming the plumpness and elasticity of skin with fat reduced to realize
perfect weight reduction dream.
3. Based on the record of more than 1 hundred thousands person-times, the computer can set automatically the individualized weight reduction solution according to different body conditions and different areas to reduce fat. It is completely individualized.
4. Individualized audible prompt and the record about use and being laziness can supervise you to insist on your body-sliming ideal;
5. The machine can store data of four persons for use by many persons. You can chose from two modes of motion: reduce fat for sliming body and massage for health care. The mode of massage for healthcare can relieve arthritis, rheumatism and constipation for the senior citizen to take the real healthcare effects;
􀁹 Distribution:
Emphases the on site illustration based on explaining advantages and principle repeatedly:
Illustration 1: 3D high frequency motion
Place a cup of water on the vibration board with machine turn on (the board of machine face upward). Observe the water in cup. You can see the 3D high frequency motion of water.
Illustration 2: Illustration of going deep into the subcutaneous
Mode 1: Use the magnet bottle provided with product for illustrating. Place the bottle in the center (the board of machine face upward) of vibrating board with machine turned on. You can see the movement of magnet in bottle. The closer to the board, the stronger the movement is.
Mode 2: Keep the hand close to the vibrating board of machine with power turned on. And then place the illustrating bottle over hand. You still can see the movement of magnet in bottle, indicating the effect of ultra-long wave driving the 3D high frequency movement into the deep layer of fat;
Illustration 3: Effect demonstration (tryout)
The individual who use Fat Sport Expert has the skin growing red, feeling itching and slight stabbing pain. The temperature of skin where use the machine rise up with sweating phenomena, indicating that the fat is combusting and the reduction of fat have begun.

IV.Target customers:
1. Target customers: individuals between 15 to 65 years old, who want to keep slim body figure.
V. Usage method:

1) Start-up
Press the “-” end of power switch “- O ” on the machine. All the sites of liquid crystal segments light for 2 seconds and the liquid crystal screen turns into the test interface when released from factory and enters into start-up state.
2) Chose motion mode
The default state is the Fat Sport mode when start up. Chose the motion modes through the keys â–² and ↓: Fat Sport or Healthcare Massage, and then press the OK key to confirm. When chose the mode of Healthcare Massage, the content about original Fat Sport interface shall be displayed in static and cannot be adjusted or altered.
3) Operating procedure of Fat Sport mode
A. Chose the code (0-3)
Chose the area to reduce fat
Chose the gender
The machine would show the time of each use and the number of times used each day after entering personal data.

You can press at any time the “Start/Stop” key to enable the machine during the above
operation. But pressing “Start/Stop” key if you didn’t enter the personal data for more than 3 days cannot enable the machine. You must reenter the data to enable the machine. Just press OK key if your height, weight and waistline is same with the stored data.
4) Operating procedure of Healthcare Massage mode
The default time for massage is 20 minutes under Healthcare Massage state. If want to change the massage time, the number in the tens place shall flash after press OK key, enter the number, press the OK key again. The number in the ones place flashes, and then enters the number. The operation has been finished. And then press “Start/Stop” key to enable the machine. You can press â–² and ↓keys to adjust the massage strength during running of the machine. There are eight steps of massage strength for you to chose and are correspondingly displayed on liquid crystal in eight segments. The default state for Healthcare Massage motion strength is middle (the symbols displayed on liquid crystal is 6 segments).
5) Calendar and clock:
The machine automatically displays the calendar and clock (mm: tt dd/mm/yy, from 2000 to 2099). Press “Lookup” key when set the calendar and clock. The box above “use record” shall light and flash. Press continuously the keys of â–² and ↓, the box shall stop flash and go into “Changing Calendar” state. Press he keys of â–² and ↓to chose the modifying site, enter the number 0-9. Press OK key after confirmed. Press “Look Up” key to exit from “Changing Calendar” state.
6) Use record:
The machine can keep the use record of a whole year under “Fat Sport ” mode and display in real time the current recorded results. (To record one time, the time each use has to exceed the 3/4 set time.)
● Look up the “number of times in use” and the“ number of times in laziness” per week in this month:
Press “Look Up” key, the box above the “use record” shall light. Press the OK key, the “Week __” shall flash, and behind the “number of times in use” shall display “000/week” and the 000 in laziness of this week. Press â–² and ↓to perform corresponding modification.
Look up the “number of times in use” and the“ number of times in laziness” per month:
Press in sequence the “Look Up” key, “OK” key and “Look Up” key. The box above the “use record” shall light. The numeric position displayed month in calendar shall flash (numeric position displayed date is hidden). And behind the “number of times in use” shall display “000/month” and the 000 in laziness of this month. Press â–² and ↓to modify the month, meanwhile display the corresponding recorded content.
Exit from look-up state: press OK or “Look Up” keys to exit look-up state.
â—† Explanation of concept:

A. Number of weeks: Display the number of weeks from beginning to use to current period (i.e. Week __), the recorded range is “00” to “52”.
Number of times in use: Display the total number of times in use of current user when start up the machine; display the number of times in use of the user at week ___ or month__ when look up.
Number of times in laziness: Didn’t use according to set number of times in use for the machine, i.e. the number of times not in use. Display the total number of times in laziness of current user when start up the machine; display the number of times in laziness of the user at week ___ or month__ when look up.
D. Maximal weight: The maximal value of weight entered during use.
E. Maximal waistline: The maximal value of waistline entered during use.
F. Maximal weight reduction: The maximal difference between current maximal weight and the weight values recorded hereafter.
G. Maximal waistline reduction: The maximal difference between current maximal waistline and the waistline values recorded hereafter.
7) Start-up the machine

Hold the handle of machine with both hands and place it on area to be used. Press “Start/Stop” key, the machine begin to run.
8) Pause in use
Press “Start/Stop” key during running, the machine is paused immediately. Press again the “Start/Stop” key, the machine begin to run again.
9) Shut-down
Press the “o” end of power switch “ - O”, the machine is shut down, and then pull out the power plug.
10) Points for attention
Place adopt the following methods in order to obtain optimal effect for reducing weight:
􀁺 When use under the Fat Sport mode, you should enter your data faithfully and accurately, so that the machine can set the Fat Sport mode procedure optimal for you based on this data.
After each use, you should drink a cup of plain boiled water to facilitate blood circulation and metabolism, and do some indoor or outdoor mild activities. Never go to bed immediately in order to avoid the influence on weight reduction effect.
⑵ Use in right position when perform local fat reduction:

Reduce the fat in abdomen: Use in sit-up position. The effect is better when use in sit-up position. Because the fat shall accumulate together when sit, and the corresponding area to reduce fat is smaller. Moreover, it is more convenient when use at sit-up position with obvious effect;
Reduce the fat in waist: Same as above;
Reduce the fat in legs: For thighs, reduce the fat both at inside and outside of the thighs; for calves, reduce the fat at back.
Reduce the fat in hip: you can choose both stand-up and prostrate position. But caution has to be executed not to have the machine falling off.
Note: When use at the above mentioned areas, advice you to have the machine close to the area with hands to support gently. Never aim at the area to reduce the fat. Don’t move back and forth, otherwise the effect may be affected. )
If want to obtain the optimal effect of reducing fat, you have to perform according to the order of areas to be reduced. Usually you have to perform more than one moth continuously for one area and go on to the next area when see the effect.
It is not necessary to eat less when use this product, but you should eat less the foods of high sugar and fat contents, such as chocolate and ice cream. The effect would be more rapid and better if do excises at the same time.
You have to perform according to set time and number of times for this machine and persevere. Otherwise the effect would be affected.
The time set by microcomputer is the time for each use. If you want to get a rest, you can press Pause key, but you have to guarantee the length of time. In addition, recommend you not to use half hour before and after meal, because the strenuous exercise is not advocated half hour before and after meal.
When at the beginning of use, you would found that the skin becomes into reddish and swelling, itching, numbness and hardened up. All of these are normal and would disappear gradually with the use, and afterwards you would have the sensation of heating and burning.
Important Issues to be awarded of:

1. Never use the machine at face, neck and head as well as spinal column and the area of incision left by operation.
This machine should be used cautiously for the patients with heart disease or cardio-vascular disease. If skin allergy occurs after use this machine, stop use (The itching and numbness at beginning is normal) and wait until the skin return to normal.
3. The woman who just gave the birth to a baby cannot use Fat Sport Expert. She has to wait for use until return to the healthy state before delivery.

4. Before use, you have to press the power switch “- O” to “o” position. The power switch can only be turned on after connected the power plug and powered on.
Before start up the machine, hold the handles with both hands and take the machine up.
There should have a layer of cotton or silk fabric between vibrating board and skin. Never contact the board directly on skin. When use at abdomen, the waist belt should be untied to avoid the friction of belt button on vibrating board.
After each use, drink a cup of plain boiled water to facilitate metabolism.
After each use, do some mild indoor or outdoor activities. Otherwise the effect would be affected.
At the beginning of using this product, you would feel itching and numbness, which are normal and not the skin allergy. These itching and numb sensations would disappear gradually with use, and afterwards you would have the sensation of heating
and burning, indicating that the fat are combusting.
The fat sport has to be performed according to the order of areas to be reduced. Usually you have to perform more than one week continuously for one area, and go on to the next area when take the effect.
It is not necessary to eat less when use this product. But you have to adjust the diet structure and strengthen aerobics to improve the basal metabolic rate so that to obtain better body sliming effect.
12. This product use ultra large procedure computer control. If any display errors occur, turn off the power switch for 5 seconds and then turn on again

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